IBM Automobile Accessories V23 User Manual

Image and Workflow Library:  
FlowMark V2.3 Design Guidelines  
Bob Stegmaier Mike Ebbers Tomislav Begovac  
International Technical Support Organization  
International Technical Support Organization  
Image and Workflow Library:  
FlowMark V2.3 Design Guidelines  
February 1998  
Take Note!  
Before using this information and the product it supports, be sure to read the general information in Appendix C, “Special  
Notices” on page 29.  
Third Edition (February 1998)  
This edition applies to Version 2 Release 3 of IBM FlowMark, Program Number 5697-216 for use with the OS/2, Windows NT and  
AIX Operating Systems.  
Comments may be addressed to:  
IBM Corporation, International Technical Support Organization  
Dept. HYJ Mail Station P099  
522 South Road  
Poughkeepsie, New York 12601-5400  
When you send information to IBM, you grant IBM a non-exclusive right to use or distribute the information in any way it believes  
appropriate without incurring any obligation to you.  
Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1996, 1998. All rights reserved.  
Note to U.S. Government Users — Documentation related to restricted rights — Use, duplication or disclosure is subject to  
restrictions set forth in GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.  
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  
The Team That Wrote This Redbook  
Comments Welcome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi  
Chapter 1. Introduction and Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  
1.1 Basic Concepts of FlowMark  
1.2 FlowMark Buildtime: Defining Your Processes  
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  
Chapter 2. Importance of Process Design  
2.1 Function, Performance, and Capacity  
2.2 Understand the Basis: FlowMark V2.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  
Chapter 3. Client/Server Can Mean Multiple Servers . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  
3.1 Multiple Server Options with FlowMark V2.3  
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  
3.2 Dedicating Your FlowMark Servers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  
Chapter 4. How Big is a Process?  
4.1 Performance and Capacity Considerations  
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  
Chapter 5. Starting and Deleting Process Instances . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  
5.1 Starting Instances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  
5.2 Deleting Process Instances  
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  
5.3 Performance and Capacity Considerations  
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10  
Chapter 6. How Big is an Activity? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11  
6.1 Performance and Capacity Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11  
Chapter 7. How Many People Do I Assign to an Activity? . . . . . . . . . . 13  
7.1 Performance and Capacity Considerations  
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14  
Chapter 8. When Do I Use an Activity Block? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15  
8.1 Performance and Capacity Considerations  
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15  
Chapter 9. When Do I Use a Subprocess? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17  
9.1 Performance and Capacity Considerations  
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17  
Chapter 10. Data Container Usage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19  
10.1 Performance and Capacity Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19  
Chapter 11. Using FlowMark Functions Wisely  
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21  
11.1 Sign On and Sign Off . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21  
11.2 Shut Down . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21  
11.3 Filtering Work Lists and Process Lists  
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21  
11.4 Refreshing Lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22  
11.5 Using the Monitor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22  
11.6 FlowMark Bundle Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22  
Appendix A. Factors Influencing the Size of a FlowMark Data Base  
. . . 25  
A.1 Activity Name and Description  
A.2 Results of Staff Resolution  
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25  
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26  
Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 1998  
A.3 Data Containers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26  
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26  
A.4 Other Things  
Appendix B. The FlowMark Internet Site  
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27  
Appendix C. Special Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29  
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31  
Appendix D. Related Publications  
D.1 International Technical Support Organization Publications . . . . . . . . . 31  
D.2 Redbooks on CD-ROMs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31  
D.3 Other Publications  
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31  
How to Get ITSO Redbooks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33  
How IBM Employees Can Get ITSO Redbooks  
How Customers Can Get ITSO Redbooks  
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33  
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34  
IBM Redbook Order Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35  
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37  
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49  
ITSO Redbook Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51  
iv FlowMark V2.3 Design Guidelines  
This redbook tells you how to design your FlowMark processes to optimize  
performance, capacity and resource utilization. This version has been updated for  
IBM FlowMark V2.3 and runs on the OS/2, NT and AIX platforms.  
It was written for technical professionals such as solutions architects, consultants,  
and application programmers who are implementing a FlowMark system. Some  
knowledge of FlowMark and client/server issues is assumed.  
The Team That Wrote This Redbook  
This redbook was produced by a team of specialists from around the world working  
at the International Technical Support Organization, Poughkeepsie Center.  
Bob Stegmaier is a Senior Marketing Support Representative at IBM's Dallas  
Systems Center in Roanoke, Texas, USA. Ever since FlowMark was announced,  
Bob has consulted with customers worldwide in all areas of FlowMark and written  
technical documents. He has been with IBM for 30 years, including a variety of  
programming assignments and 10 years with the Dallas Systems Center. He has a  
degree in economics from George Washington University in Washington D.C.  
Tomislav Begovac is at the IBM FlowMark Competency Center in Boeblingen  
responsible for FlowMark technical support in EMEA (Europe, Middle East, and  
Africa). Before his current assignment, he was managing the development tools  
department in the IBM German Software Development Lab. Tomislav can be  
reached at [email protected].  
This redbook was published by the International Technical Support Organization.  
Mike Ebbers is a Senior International Support Representative at the International  
Technical Support Organization, Poughkeepsie Center. He has worked at IBM for  
24 years. He produces redbooks on workflow and image products. Mike  
previously developed Education and Training courses on imaging and printing.  
Thanks to the following people for their invaluable contributions to this project:  
Joachim Schmitz  
German Software Development Lab  
Boeblingen, Germany  
Mike Lang  
IBM National Technical Support  
Dallas Systems Center  
For updating the redbook for FlowMark Version 2.3, thanks to:  
Tomislav Begovac  
German Software Development Lab  
Boeblingen, Germany  
Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 1998  
Comments Welcome  
Your comments are important to us!  
We want our redbooks to be as helpful as possible. Please send us your  
comments about this or other redbooks in one of the following ways:  
Ÿ Fax the evaluation form found in “ITSO Redbook Evaluation” on page 51 to the  
fax number shown on the form.  
Ÿ Use the electronic evaluation form found on the Redbooks Web sites:  
For Internet users  
For IBM Intranet users  
Ÿ Send us a note at the following address:  
vi FlowMark V2.3 Design Guidelines  
Chapter 1. Introduction and Overview  
Workflow management helps you manage and control your business processes,  
pinpoint areas for improvement, and streamline your procedures for speedier cycles  
and shorter response times. By defining the flow of work, everyone is notified of  
outstanding work and presented with the required information and an appropriate  
application to perform the task.  
1.1 Basic Concepts of FlowMark  
FlowMark is a tool to help you automate and streamline your business processes.  
This is critical for success in today's business environment. FlowMark was written  
as a pure application-independent workflow engine which manages the flow of work  
throughout your organization. It does not have roots in forms, document or image  
workflow as some other products do. FlowMark helps you harness the power of  
other applications to handle individual tasks. You decide which applications are  
best suited to assist you in performing these individual tasks.  
FlowMark is designed to handle the flow of work from user to user, following the  
business rules specified in your business process. Users have a work list (or  
perhaps more than one) where activities are placed automatically when the flow  
through a “process instance” determines there is something for them to do. The  
users select the next item they wish to work on from the list, and FlowMark calls  
the appropriate application program (defined in the process design) to perform that  
task. Often it is an application the users already understand. They can work in the  
application as long as needed to complete the task. When the program returns to  
FlowMark, the server is notified, and navigation continues through the process to  
the next activity or activities to be done. These then appear on the work lists of the  
people responsible for completing them.  
While FlowMark has a user-oriented view, it is also able to include in the process  
flow both automatically started activities, that start immediately on a single user's  
desktop, and what are called “unattended” activities. These are batch jobs that  
expect no user interaction and are started automatically. Some process designs  
achieve the same function by assigning an activity to a specific user, specifying that  
it start automatically. The program is implemented so that it executes without any  
user interaction.  
1.2 FlowMark Buildtime: Defining Your Processes  
“Buildtime” is the definition facility of FlowMark. This is where you define your  
processes and their hierarchies, assign programs to activities, and allocate staff  
such as people or roles. The following definition facilities are provided:  
Ÿ The Process Definition facility is where you specify and maintain process  
models as activity networks. These can involve multiple steps and many users.  
The creation and manipulation of activity networks is done with a graphical  
interface. An activity network can be considered to be a directed graph, where  
the nodes represent activities to be performed and the connectors between the  
nodes represent either control flow or data flow. The control flows can be  
unconditional or conditional. If conditional, then a Boolean expression is  
associated with the connector.  
Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 1998  
Ÿ The Staff Definition facility is used for the definition of staff personnel to which  
activities could be assigned. It maintains information about people, skill levels,  
roles, organizations, their relationships and their authorizations.  
Ÿ The Program Registration facility is used to register programs that are invoked  
at process execution by an activity, and to specify input/output parameters for  
the programs. All programs that you wish to attach to an activity (including  
those used as “tools”) must be registered.  
Ÿ The Data Structure Definition facility is used to define the structure of the  
information (in data containers) that is transported from a program to FlowMark  
and from FlowMark to a program. The data structures can also be used to  
transport data to/from activity blocks and subprocesses.  
Ÿ The Server Definition facility is used to define the various FlowMark servers in  
an enterprise. All servers to be used for the execution of remote subprocesses  
must be registered.  
These are the FlowMark Buildtime facilities that you will use to design your  
processes. In the use of these facilities, the guidelines in this redbook will come  
into play.  
FlowMark V2.3 Design Guidelines  
Chapter 2. Importance of Process Design  
The design of your processes is critical to the project and to your business. It must  
be done well. You should expect to refine your processes on an ongoing basis.  
Since FlowMark provides data in the audit trail on process performance, you can  
more easily find the weak points in the processes. Since the “process flow” is now  
in FlowMark and not buried deep in a large application, it is easy to make the  
changes necessary to achieve the improvements.  
2.1 Function, Performance, and Capacity  
FlowMark will automate your processes, make them reliable, and see that they run  
quickly. If poorly designed processes caused you to move to workflow automation,  
keeping the same process design will merely automate the problem. It is important  
that you have quality processes defined before you start prototype testing with  
users. They need not be perfect, but quality should be evident.  
On the other hand, you may already have good processes defined. But you can  
use FlowMark to speed the flow from user to user, call the correct application so  
the user does not need to remember how, pass data from user to user so it does  
not have to be repeatedly entered, and see that the business rules are followed  
exactly as defined even when the users do not remember the nuances of particular  
exception cases.  
Process design touches everything: the way people work, the speed at which things  
get done, the results the customer sees (or never sees), the performance and  
capacity of the FlowMark server and database, the demands on the LAN, and the  
underlying application.  
There are no hard-and-fast rules. There are always business reasons to do things  
in a different way. But, especially for new users, guidelines can be helpful. As you  
gain experience, you can modify these to fit your own business. Included here are  
some ideas about capacity and performance. It is never too early to begin thinking  
about performance. As you are designing, everything you create influences the  
performance of your business application.  
Some of your processes may fit easily within these guidelines, while others may  
not. If those that fit are the most frequently used (the ones with the highest volume  
of instances or activities), your design should work just fine. However, if you do  
things that have a negative impact on performance or database capacity, even a  
little bit, and they occur many times per hour or per day, the cumulative impact on  
your system can be serious. Sometimes it is not so much what you do, but how  
many times you do it, that determines the real impact.  
It is important to understand the workload volumes in your system. It helps to do  
some basic math: the number of instances per day times the number of activities  
per instance times the number of users. The result can be enlightening. Additional  
hardware can often overcome performance and capacity limitations. Sometimes  
that is the right answer.  
It is impossible to teach everything there is to know about processes here, but  
there are some frequently asked questions to think about.  
Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 1998  
2.2 Understand the Basis: FlowMark V2.3  
The suggestions in this redbook are based on FlowMark as it is implemented in  
Version 2 Release 3, the generally available (GA) level of code. As early users find  
new and intriguing ways to solve their business problems using workflow, they will  
at times desire functions that are not offered or find uses that exceed the capacity  
intended by the original design. While the following information reflects some of  
these limitations, enhancements are being developed in FlowMark to remove  
constraints and provide new functional capability. Please use this only as a guide  
for the use of FlowMark Version 2 Release 3.  
While this document reflects the implementation in V2.3, you can expect  
enhancements. When new releases become available, understand what they  
provide and do not let this document deter your use of the added functions.  
FlowMark V2.3 Design Guidelines  
Chapter 3. Client/Server Can Mean Multiple Servers  
While FlowMark is a client/server tool, do not limit your thinking and design to a  
single server. You should consider capacity and performance in your design, and  
there are times when you will need multiple servers to achieve your goals,  
particularly if you are designing something larger than a departmental system. You  
may need to ask this question: “How many servers, and of what kind, do I need to  
achieve my business requirements?” Do not inhibit your design by thinking: “How  
do I constrain my design so it works on a single machine?” In today's world of  
constantly improving price/performance, hardware may not be as significant an  
impact on the overall cost of a project as it once was. Investigate the cost  
implications and approach the topic with an open mind.  
If you intend to start with a single server, but expect over time to add more users or  
more applications to your workflow platform, make sure you plan and design with  
the concept of multiple servers in mind. How will you divide the work between  
servers? Will you have a different set of users per server, with some people in  
each set capable of performing all activities for each process run on that server?  
Will you want to eventually move part of a process to a different server while  
keeping the “main part” on a current server, thus requiring use of a subprocess?  
This planning will make it much easier later when you add additional servers.  
Consider the concept of a red team, a white team, and a blue team, each with its  
own server, each independently running the same process template, doing the  
same kind of work. Or perhaps you prefer different servers with different types of  
users doing different processes or subprocesses. Perhaps your application calls for  
regional servers serving local offices, running a process that under some  
circumstances needs to run a subprocess for headquarters approval. You could  
have two or more regional servers, each with its set of users doing the local  
activities, and a single headquarters server where that staff does the tasks in the  
approval subprocesses for all regions.  
3.1 Multiple Server Options with FlowMark V2.3  
FlowMark supports servers with OS/2, Windows NT, AIX and HP-Unix operating  
systems. The OS/2 and NT platforms give some range of scalability within the  
hardware where it runs. AIX gives you a step up in performance and capacity and  
a broad scale of available hardware in the RS/6000 family. You can start small and  
step up in platforms (even change operating systems) with little effort. This  
involves a change of servers, but there is no change required in your process  
models; they can be moved as is. Also, there is no change required on your client  
workstations. Both server environments support all client environments.  
If a single server is not the solution to do your job, what are the options available  
with FlowMark V2.3?  
Ÿ Simply divide the work. Have different server machines, with different  
databases and FlowMark servers for subsets of the users. Divide the users by  
teams, by organizations, by location. You will need to have a mix of users on  
each server machine so that all activities in the processes you want to run on  
that server can be completed by the users there. This could influence your  
process design.  
Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 1998  
The expectation in this concept is that each server and database combination  
are independent of any other. There is no communication between FlowMark  
servers. However, this solution could, over time, be combined with the  
following option.  
Ÿ Have processes on one or more servers perform subprocesses on other  
servers. This function in V2.3, introduces the concept of domains. A domain is  
what most people consider as the “FlowMark server,” the FlowMark Runtime  
server and its database. In Buildtime, there is a new selection on the primary  
menu called Servers. From there, you define each “server” in the system as an  
object along with its network address and communications protocol. Then,  
when you create a subprocess icon in process design, you specify on which  
server this is to run, on the “Server” page in the notebook. That page also  
allows the server to be specified in a data structure member of the process  
activity's input (source) container. The subprocess template must be located in  
the database of the other server, and all staff resolution (who does which  
activities) is done on that other server based on the staff defined in its data  
base. This would follow the regional and headquarters example discussed  
If you conclude that you need to have multiple OS/2 or NT servers, consider the  
other server platform option, AIX. A single fast AIX server can do the same work  
as several OS/2 or NT servers. It does involve a change in operating system,  
which may have training and skill implications, but it may be the better choice.  
These capabilities may not provide you with the ideal solution that you would like to  
see immediately. But it is the goal of FlowMark developers to provide you with an  
enterprise solution. They are working to give you increasing levels of function to  
connect a growing number of users within the overall workflow framework. You will  
implement your solution today within the current capabilities of FlowMark, but you  
should design with the intent of eventually expanding the horizon.  
3.2 Dedicating Your FlowMark Servers  
It is best to have your FlowMark servers as dedicated machines. If you put other  
applications on the server machines, there is a good possibility that you will  
sometimes affect the service you give to your FlowMark users. Even “small”  
applications that use resources only occasionally can use significant resources  
during the few times they need them. These blips in usage can result in poor  
response times for users who are sharing that server.  
If you have excess capacity on a server and need to use it for something other  
than FlowMark, then understand the risks and keep an eye on what these other  
things do. They may impact processor utilization and may also cause conflicts in  
memory (swapping) or disk I/O.  
FlowMark V2.3 Design Guidelines  
Chapter 4. How Big is a Process?  
How big should a process be? How much of the business should it encompass?  
How many activities should it contain? The answer lies somewhere between bigger  
than the head of a pin and smaller than a galaxy. Again, there are no  
hard-and-fast rules, but some guidelines can help.  
If the process has only one or two activities, it is probably too small. If one person  
does “this” then “that” and is done in one minute, then FlowMark may not add much  
to the work effort. But is this “process” really part of a bigger picture? Look at the  
front and back ends to see if these two activities are really part of a larger business  
process. Or perhaps there are exception conditions that result from special cases  
or errors that are discovered by the work done in these activities. These may show  
that you really have a larger process to consider.  
If you expect to run the entire corporation with one massive looping process, then  
the process is probably too big. A process should represent the steps needed to  
satisfy a specific request from a customer or employee. Sometimes you may want  
to break a request into multiple processes.  
While it is not possible to define the ideal number of activities for a process model,  
we can use a guideline of 5 to 20 activities. If you have more than 20, consider  
breaking it up by using starts of independent processes or by using subprocesses.  
If you have fewer than five, consider combining processes or folding in exception  
conditions as mentioned above.  
You may begin your first implementation with fewer activities, with the plan to bring  
more outside activities into the process model as you gain experience in workflow.  
You might automate only a part of a business process, expecting to add more to it  
after gaining some experience. Here, a smaller process than the guidelines  
suggest would be acceptable.  
What about exception processing? Should it be part of the process, or a separate  
process? Maybe. (Remember: no rules, just guidelines.) If exceptions are part of  
the business and do not last markedly longer than the average process, maybe  
they are just part of the process. But let's say you have a process to handle  
customer orders and shipping, and occasionally a damaged order arrives at the  
customer, which starts a six-month-long involvement of insurance companies,  
lawyers, and lawsuits. In this case it might be better to have an activity in the main  
process call the FlowMark API to start a separate damaged order claim process  
and pass appropriate information in the source container to that process. Allow the  
main order and shipping process to complete separately. All the needed  
information should be in your application database, available to the damaged order  
claim process.  
4.1 Performance and Capacity Considerations  
Creating a process instance influences both performance and database size. It  
involves copying parts of the process template, inserting the new instance into the  
database, and then doing some evaluation at the process level, staff resolution, and  
updating process lists for those users who have it displayed. As this is a non-trivial  
amount of work for the server, make sure there is payback. Very short one- or  
Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 1998  
two-activity processes (or subprocesses) need to be questioned as they will entail  
this overhead, which is much more than just “inline” activities. On the other hand, a  
very large process, with many activities and long paths that are infrequently used  
because of the transition conditions, can impact database size. The process  
instance size is influenced by the number of activities, and the instance takes this  
database space as long as it exists, although noticeably less in V2.3 than with  
earlier releases. See Appendix A, “Factors Influencing the Size of a FlowMark  
Data Base” on page 25, which describes some of the fields in a process template  
that influence the amount of data stored for each instance and thus the size of the  
If you see the need for a one- or two-step process with both steps done by the  
same person, or you have a process where most of the instances are ended by a  
single person after a step or two, then consider the following idea. Often the  
business event that causes a process instance will record that information in a file  
or queue that is serviced by a program that creates the process instance. You  
could have a “constant” process, an instance for each person, which has the single  
step typically done. When the user selects this activity from the work list, the  
program does a “get next” from this queue of work and does the task. It then is  
designed to fail the exit condition, so that it goes back as ready on the user's work  
If a special condition or exception case is determined which requires further  
processing, then instead of setting condition data in the output container to have a  
larger process continue, it could use an API call to start another process that would  
do that additional processing. This concept can eliminate much of the overhead of  
creating very many short processes, yet provides the ability to handle more  
complex exception conditions, all using the FlowMark work list as a single place to  
find the things you need to do. This can also help in reducing the large number of  
people being shown a single item (see Chapter 7, “How Many People Do I Assign  
to an Activity?” on page 13).  
FlowMark V2.3 Design Guidelines  
Chapter 5. Starting and Deleting Process Instances  
The most obvious way to start a FlowMark process is to open your process list,  
copy a process template and start the instance manually. But it is probably better  
to provide a simple FlowMark API program to do that. This program could be  
accessible to users via an icon on their desktop, or could be called by one of your  
application programs that determines the need for a process to start as the result of  
some business event.  
5.1 Starting Instances  
If you have an application that collects many of these requests, be careful when  
you decide to start many process instances. Starting 200 instances might be fine  
in the middle of the night when there are no users on the system. But a program  
that does this during normal working hours will likely take over the server, much to  
the detriment of user response time. If you do have the need to process  
accumulated queues of requests during working hours, consider programming a  
delay in the creation loop to give your users a chance to get their work done.  
Investigate the ExmcStartProcess API call. While doing that, consider providing the  
instance name yourself. You will find that having instance-specific information in  
the process instance name makes using your process list, the monitor and the audit  
trail much easier. Customer name, invoice number, account number and other  
information might be made part of the instance name.  
5.2 Deleting Process Instances  
A process instance is called “finished” when the workflow has progressed through  
all defined activities to the end of the process. A process instance is called  
“terminated” if the process was forced to finish by an authorized user or by the API  
call ExmTerminateProcess.  
Finished or terminated process instances are automatically removed from the work  
lists and deleted from the database if the user who creates the process instance  
has checked the checkbox “Delete finished items” in the personal data settings  
notebook. It lets you define the following for each user:  
Ÿ Activities that have the status finished, disabled, or force-finished are  
automatically deleted from the user's work list.  
Ÿ Process instances created by the user with the status finished or terminated  
are automatically deleted from the database when they are finished or  
Whenever an instance is deleted, all activities for the process instance are deleted  
from the work lists, as are all subprocesses for the process instance.  
If the “Delete finished items” checkbox is not checked, you have several other  
options for deleting process instances:  
Ÿ Delete them manually from the process list.  
Ÿ Have them automatically deleted by the server. after a specified interval during  
a nightly database processing run  
Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 1998  
Ÿ Write a program that calls the ExmDeleteProcess API. You can use this API to  
explicitly delete individual instances whenever you wish, based on such things  
as time and date or other criteria external to FlowMark processing.  
The finishing and subsequent deletion of process instances is at least as resource  
intensive as creating an instance.  
When finishing/terminating and then deleting a process instance, FlowMark  
internally has to:  
Ÿ Search for the process  
Ÿ Update all work lists that an instance has been terminated (even if no clients  
are running) to delete finished activities of the instance  
Ÿ Update all process lists that an instance has been deleted  
Ÿ Delete all data relating to the instance from the database  
Ÿ Perform all these tasks for any existing subprocesses  
You might therefore want to off-load much of this activity to hours when there is  
less system activity and you are not likely to impact the users. Deleting Process Instances and Activities Offshift  
By not checking the “Delete finished items” checkbox, you off-load the deletion to a  
delete interval defined by the “Days cleanup interval” field on the FlowMark Start  
Servers window. The cleanup interval is defined in days. Cleanup is done by the  
FlowMark notification servicer, which starts deleting instances and activities at  
midnight. Deletion of all finished or terminated instances and activities will then  
start when the cleanup interval is passed. Since this happens at midnight, you  
need to have the server running at night for this to occur.  
5.3 Performance and Capacity Considerations  
The basic idea to understand here is that instance creation, and to some extent  
instance deletion, are resource intensive. There is a fair amount of work involved  
for the server, and there are significant updates (inserting or deleting data) to the  
database. It is important to avoid doing much of either during normal working  
hours. It is the same load whether you do it by a program that loops or by  
selecting many from a process list and specifying delete. If you do significant  
numbers at once it will impact your users. If it is possible, defer these efforts until  
off hours.  
On the other hand, leaving completed instances in your database will take up  
database space, and can have some impact on performance. So you need to  
make some trade-offs between daytime performance and database capacity.  
To summarize this point, you should remove instances from the database as soon  
as practical after they have completed. Do it at times where the resource usage  
will not impact your users, especially on busy servers.  
10 FlowMark V2.3 Design Guidelines  
Chapter 6. How Big is an Activity?  
How much work should an activity represent? How long should a user take to  
complete an activity? For activities that involve the user interacting with a program,  
thinking about the problem, and then responding correctly, consider these  
Ÿ An activity is done by one person (if you want another person involved, that is  
a reason to create the next activity).  
Ÿ An activity is done at one sitting (usually there is no long time spent doing other  
things in the middle of the activity).  
Ÿ An activity should take 5 to 10 minutes or more on average to complete (a user  
could be expected to do 5 to 20 an hour and keep that pace all day).  
But there are some exceptions. You may choose to keep your process at a higher  
level (in application development, write the “class,” unit test the program, and other  
things that may take days). A manager's sign-off only takes a minute, but must be  
done. Exceptions are not necessarily bad. But when you design one, ensure that  
you have a good reason.  
6.1 Performance and Capacity Considerations  
Typically, FlowMark is used to automate processes of “knowledge workers.” These  
are people who are paid good salaries to think. If your design expects a user to do  
two activities a minute and keep it up hour after hour, there is not much thinking  
going on; that is more of a mindless task. How long does it take to read a screen  
or two, analyze the information, make good decisions, and enter some data or a  
response? Probably more than 30 seconds.  
Consider the potential overhead as you design. When a user selects an activity  
from the work list, there must be communication between client and server, the  
specified application program must be called, probably loaded from disk, be  
initialized, and then communicate with the user. There are applications that take 10  
seconds (or much more) when you initiate them from an icon or the command line.  
This is a lot of overhead that will impact workers if you have designed what you  
believe is a 30-second activity.  
Another possible impact of very small activities, particularly for cases where you  
intend users to do significant volumes of them, is the affect it has on the user's  
work list (it can get very large), and on the network traffic, constantly adding,  
updating, and deleting things from the work lists. We will say more about the size  
of user work lists in subsequent sections.  
There is some amount of work required from FlowMark when you go from activity  
to activity in your process. The completion of one activity is recorded at the server,  
which performs navigation evaluation to determine what is next, executes staff  
resolution (who is to do it), and sends the activity item to those who should receive  
it. While perhaps not a major factor, try not to let the overhead of doing something  
become a significant part of the work done. Use the tool only where it adds  
significant value.  
Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 1998  
Here is an example. A new customer comes to your retail business. You would  
like to keep the customer for a long time so, as part of the “new customer process,”  
you gather information into a database. The process design has the following  
activity steps:  
1. Enter customer and spouse names  
2. Enter social security numbers  
3. Enter addresses  
4. Enter home/work phone numbers, etc.  
This is too detailed. It looks more like a program design than process design.  
There would more likely be a single activity to "create a customer record." The  
application program for the activity might do those things, with different windows,  
but there is no need for that level of detail in the process design.  
If you have a process that is not heavily used, perhaps one for some unique  
circumstances, the size and number of activities has less impact. The real impact  
on performance comes when you multiply an aspect by 1000 or even 5000 times  
for the number of activities, or when the process template runs every day.  
Exceptions to this are activities that are started automatically and do not require  
any user interaction (in FlowMark terms, autostarted and unattended). These will  
run at machine speed. But a high number of these automatically started activities  
can put a lot of stress on your FlowMark server. Be careful if you find that a  
significant number of the activities in your process have no real user interaction.  
Even significant amounts of work are done quickly at dedicated machine speeds. A  
significant number of such activities can cause workloads equivalent to a great  
many users working at the 5 to 10 minutes per activity guideline, and will impact  
system performance and user response time.  
Perhaps another example would help make the point. If a typical user on your  
FlowMark system does 100 activities a day (for example, evaluate profitability of a  
business proposal, enter information for a new customer, etc.), that would be about  
one activity every 5 minutes. It might be possible for a “fast computer” to complete  
an activity every 3 seconds. In that case the computer playing the part of a “single  
user” could put the same resource demands on the FlowMark server as 100 of  
those “5 minutes per activity” users. As always, automatic activities are not  
inherently bad; they are useful, even necessary. But understand the implications  
as you design your processes, and plan for the necessary capacity in your  
FlowMark server(s).  
12 FlowMark V2.3 Design Guidelines  
Chapter 7. How Many People Do I Assign to an Activity?  
There are many options in FlowMark to help assign activities to different people.  
These are quite helpful in getting the job done. But do not go overboard, giving  
everything to everyone. Think about the implications. Narrow the range of who is  
assigned activities as quickly as possible in the flow of your process.  
One reason to assign an activity to multiple people is to enable them to do their  
own load balancing, all picking from a single list of work.  
But there are negative aspects if you “resolve” activities to too many people. There  
is more work for FlowMark:  
Ÿ It must find each of these people and update their work lists in the database.  
Ÿ Then it must send messages over your network to update each person's work  
list (when the activity becomes “ready,” then when it begins “running,” and  
again when it is “finished”).  
Besides, a constant stream of items to a work list can be an annoyance to the  
users, because:  
Ÿ Their work list will “roll,” since they share it with many others. Activities will  
constantly be added, changed, and deleted, as their work list reflects the tasks  
of others.  
Ÿ There is an increased probability of conflicts. If all users have their work list  
sorted in the same order with the same items, all will have the same activity at  
the top. When one selects that top activity, someone else may also be  
selecting it at the same time. Only one will get it; the others are told that  
someone else is doing it.  
Of course, you want to design your workflow system to keep the users happy, so  
they can get more work done. Here are some ideas:  
Ÿ Start with a guideline of three to five people assigned to an average activity  
(whether by role, skill level, or organization).  
Ÿ Limit the number of persons who receive any single activity to 10 people, or 20  
at most. Consider three to five people as the average to shoot for.  
Ÿ Although early in a process flow there may be a need to put things on more  
people's work lists, try to narrow the number as the flow progresses. The  
number may ebb and flow at times, but try to keep it under control. There are  
many options on the staff pages in the activity notebook that can help you.  
Ÿ Spend some time considering how best to use the different capabilities of role,  
organization, and skill level. How will you use them to divide and differentiate  
the total population of users? Intelligent use of these staff attributes is what will  
enable you to assign individual activities to reasonable numbers of just the right  
people to do a specific job.  
Ÿ Consider assigning an activity to “whoever” did an earlier activity. In effect,  
when a person selects an activity from a shared role, and the same role has  
later activities in the process flow, then have that person own the rest of the  
activities for that role in that specific process. This may be desirable since this  
person is familiar with the details of this specific instance.  
Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 1998  
Ÿ If there is some front end program that uses FlowMark API calls to create and  
start process instances, have it divide the work in a round robin way: one for  
team A, then team B, then team C, then back to A. You can use the system  
fields in the data container to limit the “range” by department, or have separate  
roles whose members have the same job. For instance, instead of a role  
“Clerk” for billing, you may have roles CLERKA, CLERKB, and CLERKC.  
Again, you can use the data container (or use a separate but “the same”  
process template).  
7.1 Performance and Capacity Considerations  
For every user who is assigned an activity, there is a commitment of work efforts  
for FlowMark, including the actual assignment, updating the database, notifying the  
user of the activity and when it changes state, and database space to maintain the  
extra data. Each of these work efforts is small. However, when multiplied by many  
users for many activities in many instances, the impact is significant. Weigh that  
against the benefit you expect from assigning an activity to multiple users. Finally,  
consider that only one user will really process the work item. Each person  
assigned beyond that one adds overhead to the operation of your system.  
14 FlowMark V2.3 Design Guidelines  
Chapter 8. When Do I Use an Activity Block?  
An activity block is a construct that allows you to group several activities together.  
Its major functions are:  
Ÿ To reduce clutter at a higher level. This lets you have a cleaner big picture at  
upper levels of your process.  
Ÿ To allow a loop. The activity block can have an exit condition, so the entire  
block is repeated until particular conditions are met. This gives you a “do until”  
construct for a group of activities.  
Consider using a block when you have the above needs and when you have at  
least three activities to include in it. You can make a single activity loop by  
specifying an exit condition for the activity itself. If an activity exit condition fails,  
that activity is returned (in a ready condition) to the work list of the user who  
performed it.  
8.1 Performance and Capacity Considerations  
There is not much overhead in using an activity block. The cost incurred is for  
evaluation at the beginning and end of the block itself. It differs from a subprocess  
in potential database space usage. The block is always included in the instance at  
the time it is created. The next section explains how a subprocess differs in this  
Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 1998  
16 FlowMark V2.3 Design Guidelines  
Chapter 9. When Do I Use a Subprocess?  
A subprocess is really just a process, but it is called by another (parent) process. It  
has functions similar to an activity block, but it can do more for you. The  
characteristics of a subprocess include:  
Ÿ Reusability: a subprocess can be invoked at multiple points in a single process;  
and it can be invoked from different processes. It is a reusable object.  
Ÿ It can run as a stand-alone process.  
Ÿ It can run on a separate server from its parent process, using a different  
FlowMark database and different users (staff definitions). This permits you to  
shift work to another server.  
Ÿ It can be tested alone, allowing independent application development.  
Like an activity block, a subprocess:  
Ÿ Can have an exit condition, so it can repeat until specified conditions are met.  
Ÿ Helps make high-level process diagrams easier to understand.  
In addition to the many functions that subprocesses can serve, they can be used to  
save some amount of database space, in the case where they are infrequently  
used in your process flow. With such a list, there is the temptation to use them  
everywhere. But you need to be careful not to overuse them, as you can  
significantly alter the performance of your system.  
9.1 Performance and Capacity Considerations  
A subprocess affects performance and capacity. You are trading off between  
processor usage and database space.  
A subprocess is “late bound,” that is, not invoked until needed. There is no  
database space consumed unless the subprocess is invoked. Thus, if you have a  
process that includes multiple special cases or exceptions or has several possible  
paths, the use of subprocesses will reduce the amount of database storage used  
for a process instance. Rather than having many different activity steps loaded  
when an instance is created, you can defer them so only the particular special case  
(subprocess) is loaded, and then only if you need one. Depending on your  
business process, this could save some amount of database space plus the  
overhead to create large instances.  
On the other hand, when you invoke a subprocess, the effort involved is similar to  
creating a process instance. There are performance implications for creation and  
deletion of the instance. See Chapter 5, “Starting and Deleting Process Instances”  
on page 9 for a discussion of this.  
It is worth considering the ability to run a subprocess on another FlowMark server  
even if your original plans are for a single server. If you later add other servers,  
you can simply update the server page in the subprocess activity notebook and  
change the server (domain) where the subprocess runs.  
So you need to make a decision. As in most performance and capacity decisions,  
there are trade-offs. In this one, you are weighing processor usage on the server  
versus space in your database. Ask yourself how frequently the particular path is  
followed. If the probability is high that the function is used every time, it is better to  
Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 1998  
leave the activities inline. If there is a low probability of needing the function, a  
subprocess is preferable. Also, with subprocesses there are also the  
considerations of ease of use and having a reusable object. You must make the  
18 FlowMark V2.3 Design Guidelines  
Chapter 10. Data Container Usage  
The FlowMark data container is used to pass information from activity to activity  
within the process. It also controls the flow within the process when data fields are  
used in transition conditions. The terminology used is “process-relevant data.” It is  
important to understand this concept. The data container is not intended to be a  
database. The data you specify for the data container should be specifically  
needed for:  
Ÿ Navigation, referenced in transition or exit conditions.  
Ÿ Pointers into your enterprise databases where the application information really  
exists (for example, customer number, account number, invoice number, image  
folder, and document name).  
Ÿ Variable information you would like to have appear in activity descriptions. This  
helps users to quickly find particular activities, and can assist in limiting work  
list size by Include (filtering) and Find functions.  
While the data container is very useful, you need to be careful not to abuse the  
All data container information is kept in the process instance in the database. It  
stays there for the life of that instance. Every input and output data container  
created along the way exists in the database until that instance is deleted.  
Consider a somewhat extreme example. If you specified 10,000 bytes of data  
container, then pass it to/from 20 activities, it appears 20 times in your FlowMark  
database. It takes many times its original space since it is copied over and over,  
remaining there from the time the instance is created until it is deleted. When you  
multiply by the number of instances you may have in your database at peak times,  
you could encounter database space problems.  
Another aspect is the impact this might have on runtime client response. There is  
overhead in accessing data items using the container APIs. If you have many  
items, most of which are not really used in an activity but merely passed on  
downstream in the process, there may be unneeded delays at the client.  
10.1 Performance and Capacity Considerations  
Here are some data container guidelines:  
Ÿ Keep only key data in the data container. Keep application data in the  
application databases and let the applications access it from there. Pass the  
application the key needed to find it.  
Ÿ Do not take the approach of just passing all data to every activity in the  
process. Have different structures that represent the specific data needed at  
different points in the process.  
Ÿ Map data elements to the specific point where they are needed in the process.  
Ÿ Do not use the FlowMark data containers as an application database or a data  
file server.  
Ÿ Use the newest container APIs for the client.  
Ÿ While you should use descriptive names for data fields, do not make them  
extremely long.  
Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 1998  
20 FlowMark V2.3 Design Guidelines  
Chapter 11. Using FlowMark Functions Wisely  
There are many functions in FlowMark that can influence system performance but  
are not directly related to process design. They relate to end-user activities. The  
people who design a FlowMark system, those with the most knowledge of  
FlowMark, frequently have the opportunity to influence the training the users get.  
Therefore, here are some guidelines to help your users.  
11.1 Sign On and Sign Off  
It is best to sign on to FlowMark once a day. A signon can potentially result in the  
loading of a lot of information from the server to your workstation. If you repeatedly  
sign off and on, the information that is downloaded is often much the same as what  
your workstation had previously. Bringing that information down again and  
rebuilding your work lists and process lists creates additional system load,  
additional network traffic, and delays on your workstation. When protecting a user's  
worklist is a concern, consider use of a software “lockup” function to lock the  
workstation when not attended.  
11.2 Shut Down  
Train users to close some off their windows before closing FlowMark. When a user  
signs on, FlowMark tries to restore the environment to what it was when FlowMark  
was shut down. If you leave FlowMark by just closing the Runtime - Icons window,  
leaving not only your work list but possibly other work lists and your process list  
open, that is what FlowMark will open when you next sign on. Over the course of a  
day you may open many of these, but it is unlikely you would like to wait for the  
server to provide all that information and the client to build all those icons and lists  
first thing in the morning. It would be better to train the users to close the various  
windows, except perhaps their primary work list, before closing the FlowMark  
Runtime window. It will make for less system load and a quicker startup in the  
11.3 Filtering Work Lists and Process Lists  
In FlowMark V2.2, a new concept, “filtering at the server,” was introduced. You can  
specify to the server which items in your work list or process list you wish to see.  
Only those items are loaded from the server to your client workstation. Appropriate  
use of this technique can significantly reduce both server resources for signon and  
list refresh and client response time as well.  
To use this filtering, it is important that you include it in the process design.  
Filtering implies that there are things the users can specify that will allow them to  
differentiate between what they want to see and what they would rather not. For  
processes, the process name, process description, and category are important. For  
work lists, the activity name, activity description, and process name can be used. If  
you understand how your users want to classify their work, you can provide a better  
design (naming conventions and inclusion of variables) for these fields, which will  
help the users make use of filtering.  
Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 1998  
To see the exact possibilities, or to help train your users, do the following, starting  
from the Runtime client icons:  
Ÿ For work lists, select the work list icon, then the specific work list. Open  
settings, and go to the Activities page. You can do this for each work list if you  
have multiples.  
Ÿ For process lists, select the User information icon, then select the database,  
then in the Personal data notebook, go to the Processes page.  
Chapter 7, “How Many People Do I Assign to an Activity?” on page 13 talks about  
long work lists. A frequent cause of long work lists is assigning each activity to  
many users. We suggest that you limit how many things are assigned to each  
user, where practical.  
Another idea to treat carefully is “shared work lists.” Some have created artificial  
users who play many or all roles in their system. This provides an overall view of  
the work in the system. But it can also result in very large work lists, and anyone  
accessing such a list will feel the impact of the load on the system.  
Whatever the cause of long lists, you can help limit the impact. Implementing this  
is a combination of process design and user training. If you design it but the users  
do not use it, nothing is gained. If you do not design for it, the users will find  
nothing to use. But it can have a significant positive impact, especially when there  
are long work lists and process lists.  
11.4 Refreshing Lists  
“Refreshing” is a request to erase the copy of a list on the user's workstation and  
bring a fresh copy from the server, rebuilding the list for the user. There are times  
when this needs to be done, but many people doing it regularly can impact system  
performance. This applies to process lists and work lists.  
11.5 Using the Monitor  
The FlowMark monitor function is extremely valuable in determining what is  
happening in a specific process instance. But, again, a tool can be misused.  
Unless you have a very good reason, do not constantly open or refresh monitors  
because refreshing a process monitor (or sometimes having several displayed and  
refreshing all) can put unnecessary overhead on your server. If many users  
repeatedly do this, the effect is multiplied. Teach your users the great power it has,  
but teach them to use it wisely,  
11.6 FlowMark Bundle Activities  
An advanced FlowMark function called “bundles” is described in Appendix A of IBM  
FlowMark: Modeling Workflow, SH19-8241. This function allows you to  
dynamically create one to n parallel activities (or activity blocks or subprocess  
activities). If you use them, here are a few things to remember. The effect of the  
bundle planning tool is a real-time modification of the process instance. It will  
involve some amount of updating of the database. Since the resulting modification  
may result in 10 or 20 parallel activities, the effect is the same (for doing staff  
resolution and updating work lists) as if 10 or 20 users all completed activities at  
the same time. This can be a peak in demand on the server. Also, bundles imply  
22 FlowMark V2.3 Design Guidelines  
arrays of data container items. The effects of large data containers was discussed  
in Chapter 10, “Data Container Usage” on page 19.  
Chapter 11. Using FlowMark Functions Wisely 23  
24 FlowMark V2.3 Design Guidelines  
Appendix A. Factors Influencing the Size of a FlowMark Data  
When you design your process in FlowMark Buildtime, you create a process model.  
You then translate this model and create a process template. This is a bit like  
compiling a program. The template contains the rules and other information  
necessary to run an instance of the process. You will likely have many instances  
of each process template active in FlowMark at any point in time. While all  
instances that were started with a particular template will use that one single  
template (it is not duplicated), there is a certain amount of information in the  
database for each unique instance. Some is there because it can be altered by the  
user, and some is there based on things happening dynamically as each instance  
follows its particular path through the process template.  
Since these things will influence the size of your database, it may help to  
understand what some of them are. You will see that many have already been  
mentioned throughout this redbook.  
A.1 Activity Name and Description  
While you may think of these two items as fixed, since you specify them when you  
define the process, they are actually dynamic (or can be), so copies are kept for  
each instance.  
If you provide a description of the activity on the general page of the activity  
notebook, you can include in it the contents of variables from the input data  
container. This is often done because it helps convey information from previous  
activities directly to users' work lists, helping them understand more about the  
activity or instance, and allowing them to better choose which activity to work on.  
Users can alter both the activity name and the description. They do this from their  
work list, selecting the activity and its settings and then going to the General page  
of the notebook. They might do this to make note of something that kept them  
from completing the activity or to pass information on to others who have that  
activity on their work list as well.  
The point is that for each activity in each instance, copies of the activity name and  
description are kept in the database. The bigger you make these (and description  
can be up to 1024 characters), the more space will be taken in the data base.  
Remember the guideline that it is important to understand how many times  
something occurs. To take an extreme example, if you filled all 1024 characters in  
the description of every one of 50 activities in a process and then had 2000  
instances in the database, how much space is that?  
1ð24 ᑍ 5ð ᑍ 2ððð = 1ðð,ððð KB  
And that does not count what FlowMark and the database would require just to  
keep track of it. As always, use the function when it helps you, but do not misuse  
it. Constant information is better put on the Documentation page of the activity  
notebook. Only one copy is kept of that, in the translated template, no matter how  
many instances.  
Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 1998  
A.2 Results of Staff Resolution  
When FlowMark determines that a particular activity should be run, it goes through  
a function called staff resolution. This function determines who should have this  
activity as "ready" on their work list. Based on what the process designer has  
specified on the two "staff" pages in the activity notebook, such as role,  
organization, and skill level, FlowMark determines all the people who should see  
this, includes that in the dynamic instance information, and adds it to the database  
copy of the users' work list. As you can see, the more people an activity is  
assigned to and the more items a person has on his work list, the more space is  
required for the database.  
A.3 Data Containers  
We discussed this in Chapter 10, “Data Container Usage” on page 19. As  
FlowMark navigates through the process, your application programs add data to  
output data containers. This data is then copied into one or more input containers,  
as defined in the data mapping of your process model. The number of fields and  
the size of the data provided for string fields, as well as the number of input and  
output containers, will help determine the necessary space in the database for each  
instance. Since the container creation is dynamic, the containers exist and are  
filled only when the process flows down the path where they are defined. For  
paths not taken in a particular instance (called dead paths), no containers are  
A.4 Other Things  
The items mentioned above are the major factors in determining the size of an  
instance. But there are others. As mentioned earlier, the use of a subprocess  
results in another process instance being created when it is encountered in the  
process flow. Bundle activities result in real-time updates (additions) to the  
database. And the notification server, if used, can add to the database contents.  
26 FlowMark V2.3 Design Guidelines  
Appendix B. The FlowMark Internet Site  
If you would like more information on FlowMark, visit the Internet site:  
Here you will find lots of information on what is happening in the world of  
FlowMark, frequently updated.  
Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 1998  
28 FlowMark V2.3 Design Guidelines  
Appendix C. Special Notices  
This publication was written to give system architects more information to plan for  
the number of servers needed for their FlowMark system, and to design it for better  
performance. The information in this publication is not intended as the specification  
of any programming interfaces that are provided by FlowMark. See the  
PUBLICATIONS section of the IBM Programming Announcement for IBM FlowMark  
for more information about what publications are considered to be product  
References in this publication to IBM products, programs or services do not imply  
that IBM intends to make these available in all countries in which IBM operates.  
Any reference to an IBM product, program, or service is not intended to state or  
imply that only IBM's product, program, or service may be used. Any functionally  
equivalent program that does not infringe any of IBM's intellectual property rights  
may be used instead of the IBM product, program or service.  
Information in this book was developed in conjunction with use of the equipment  
specified, and is limited in application to those specific hardware and software  
products and levels.  
IBM may have patents or pending patent applications covering subject matter in  
this document. The furnishing of this document does not give you any license to  
these patents. You can send license inquiries, in writing, to the IBM Director of  
Licensing, IBM Corporation, 500 Columbus Avenue, Thornwood, NY 10594 USA.  
Licensees of this program who wish to have information about it for the purpose of  
enabling: (i) the exchange of information between independently created programs  
and other programs (including this one) and (ii) the mutual use of the information  
which has been exchanged, should contact IBM Corporation, Dept. 600A, Mail Drop  
1329, Somers, NY 10589 USA.  
Such information may be available, subject to appropriate terms and conditions,  
including in some cases, payment of a fee.  
The information contained in this document has not been submitted to any formal  
IBM test and is distributed AS IS. The use of this information or the implementation  
of any of these techniques is a customer responsibility and depends on the  
customer's ability to evaluate and integrate them into the customer's operational  
environment. While each item may have been reviewed by IBM for accuracy in a  
specific situation, there is no guarantee that the same or similar results will be  
obtained elsewhere. Customers attempting to adapt these techniques to their own  
environments do so at their own risk.  
Any pointers in this publication to external Web sites are provided for convenience  
only and do not in any manner serve as an endorsement of these Web sites.  
Any performance data contained in this document was determined in a controlled  
environment, and therefore, the results that may be obtained in other operating  
environments may vary significantly. Users of this document should verify the  
applicable data for their specific environment.  
Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 1998  
The following terms are trademarks of the International Business Machines  
Corporation in the United States and/or other countries:  
Operating System/2  
The following terms are trademarks of other companies:  
C-bus is a trademark of Corollary, Inc.  
Java and HotJava are trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Incorporated.  
Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, and the Windows 95 logo are trademarks  
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PC Direct is a trademark of Ziff Communications Company and is used  
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Pentium, MMX, ProShare, LANDesk, and ActionMedia are trademarks or  
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UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other  
countries licensed exclusively through X/Open Company Limited.  
Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or  
service marks of others.  
30 FlowMark V2.3 Design Guidelines  
Appendix D. Related Publications  
The publications listed in this section are considered particularly suitable for a more  
detailed discussion of the topics covered in this redbook.  
D.1 International Technical Support Organization Publications  
For information on ordering these ITSO publications see “How to Get ITSO  
Redbooks” on page 33.  
Ÿ FlowMark Installation and Administration, SG24-4614  
Ÿ FlowMark and VisualInfo with Windows, SG24-4712  
Ÿ Integrating VisualAge Generator and FlowMark, SG24-4239  
Ÿ Integrating IBM FlowMark with Lotus Notes, SG24-4851  
Ÿ Sample Applications for FlowMark, SG24-2184  
D.2 Redbooks on CD-ROMs  
Redbooks are also available on CD-ROMs. Order a subscription and receive  
updates 2-4 times a year at significant savings.  
CD-ROM Title  
Collection Kit  
System/390 Redbooks Collection  
Networking and Systems Management Redbooks Collection  
Transaction Processing and Data Management Redbook  
Lotus Redbooks Collection  
Tivoli Redbooks Collection  
AS/400 Redbooks Collection  
RS/6000 Redbooks Collection (HTML, BkMgr)  
RS/6000 Redbooks Collection (PostScript)  
RS/6000 Redbooks Collection (PDF Format)  
Application Development Redbooks Collection  
D.3 Other Publications  
These publications are also relevant as further information sources:  
Ÿ IBM FlowMark: Modeling Workflow, SH19-8241  
Ÿ IBM FlowMark: Managing Your Workflow, SH19-8243  
Ÿ IBM FlowMark: Programming Guide, SH19-8240  
Ÿ IBM FlowMark: Installation and Maintenance, SH12-6260  
Ÿ IBM FlowMark: Application Integration Guide, SH12-6267  
Ÿ IBM FlowMark: Diagnosis Guide, SH19-8239  
Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 1998  
32 FlowMark V2.3 Design Guidelines  
How to Get ITSO Redbooks  
This section explains how both customers and IBM employees can find out about ITSO redbooks, CD-ROMs,  
workshops, and residencies. A form for ordering books and CD-ROMs is also provided.  
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( Redpieces are redbooks in progress; not all redbooks become  
redpieces, and sometimes just a few chapters will be published this way. The intent is to get the information out  
much quicker than the formal publishing process allows.  
Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 1998  
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much quicker than the formal publishing process allows.  
34 FlowMark V2.3 Design Guidelines  
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How to Get ITSO Redbooks 35  
36 FlowMark V2.3 Design Guidelines  
Note: This glossary defines terms and abbreviations  
for IBM FlowMark. For more information about  
the differences and other terms, not defined  
here, refer to the respective publication as listed  
in Appendix D, “Related Publications” on  
page 31.  
environments, such as Internet, Host communications,  
and LANs. FlowMark uses either APPC or TCP/IP.  
See also TCP/IP.  
application development models. Process and data  
models required for application systems development.  
application program interface (API). An interface  
provided by the workflow manager that enables  
programs to be started, processes to be controlled, and  
operators to work with data containers.  
activity. A unit of work that is performed by one  
person in one place and at one time. An activity  
consumes time and resources and has a defined  
duration with an explicit start and end time.  
In LOVEM-ProModeler: on a PLOVC or JLOVC, an  
activity is a manual process path component, which  
receives input from an upstream component, acts upon  
it, and sends output to a downstream component.  
Activities can be added to manual bands.  
architecture line of visibility chart (ALOVC). The  
graphical representation of the essential customer and  
enterprise processes and key data needs and their  
main characteristics arranged in sequence. See also  
enterprise architecture.  
As Is. The current state of a process or process path.  
See also To Be.  
In FlowMark: an activity is one of the steps that make  
up a process. See also program activity and process  
As Is view. A chart or diagram showing the current  
state of a process or process path. See also To Be  
activity block. In FlowMark: a modeling construct that  
enables the grouping of related activities into a  
lower-level diagram. It also enables the modeling of  
loops and bundles. See also activity bundle.  
assumptions/issues/recommendations (AIR). In  
LOVEM-ProModeler: a business control parameter that  
can contain assumptions, issues, and  
activity bundle. In FlowMark: a type of activity block  
that supports multiple instances of a single program or  
process activity during run-time. The number of  
instances of an activity is determined during run-time by  
a special program activity called the planning activity.  
See also planning activity.  
attribute. The characteristic or property that defines an  
entity, such as the attribute of a unit of information.  
See also representative attribute.  
audit trail. A facility for recording events that occur  
when process instances are run.  
AIF. Application Integration Feature: a CICS/ESA  
product which helps you integrate your existing  
applications without writing any code. Applications  
communicate across platforms using MQSeries for  
MVS/ESA, which keeps them insulated from network  
automation band. The horizontal section on a PLOVC  
or JLOVC that contains systems, system functions, or  
computer data stores.  
Automation Manager. The Automation Manager is  
responsible for connection of remote clients to OLE  
AIR. See assumptions/issues/recommendations.  
AIX. Advanced Interactive Executive (UNIX)  
ALOVC. See architecture line of visibility chart.  
band. The horizontal sections of an LOVC. Examples  
of bands:  
animation. A facility for dynamically verifying workflow  
models. Animating a workflow model lets the user  
simulate the flow of work through its activities.  
Ÿ Customer band  
Ÿ Internal/external organization band  
Ÿ Internal business area or department and job bands  
Ÿ Manual/automation band  
API. See application program interface.  
Ÿ Automation band  
APPC. Advanced program-to-program communication.  
A commonly used protocol for various network  
Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 1998  
bar code. Industry standard pattern of vertical lines.  
You can use bar codes to indicate the beginning of a  
new folder, the beginning of a new document, or to  
provide a value to be used in indexing the folder or the  
bus. A term borrowed from electrical engineering (or  
computer design), which signifies a continuum with  
concrete contact (start and exit) points. In this manual, it  
represents a continuum of repetitive and unpredictable  
processes, a set of sequential data stores, or a  
continuum for capturing critical process quality  
measurement points.  
base product. The product that provides the  
functionality required for the operation, for example,  
FlowMark, Lotus Notes. This is the product called via  
the Service Broker Manager.  
business. An entity that engages in commerce. A  
business produces or sells goods and services, has  
goals, processes, and personnel.  
benchmarking. Comparing something with a standard,  
like comparing the performance of a business process  
with another process of the same kind.  
business area. Part of an enterprise implementing a  
group or processes that support one aspect of  
furthering the mission of the enterprise. Business area  
is part of the logical model (LLOVC).  
best of breed (BOB). A company that offers the same  
or similar products and services as other companies in  
that category, but at higher levels of performance in one  
or more area of competition (for example, price, quality,  
competence, customer service, and so on).  
business control parameter. Goals, predictions,  
targets, observations, and measurements of the  
enterprise or individual organization units, such as  
CSFs, AIRs, and CMPs. These business objects are of  
primary importance to the purpose of the enterprise and  
can be assigned to processes and activities in logical  
and physical models and blueprints.  
block. See activity block.  
blueprint. The exact graphical representation of As Is  
business processes or To Be designs. A blueprint can  
be created at the architecture, logical, physical, or job  
level. It can be used for implementing new processes  
and for ongoing process management.  
business process. See process.  
business process management (BPM). The ongoing  
management of business processes, from day-to-day  
operational process management to radical business  
process re-engineering.  
blueprinting. The procedure used to document a  
company's process design in graphical form using  
business process modeler (BPM). An IBM business  
modeling tool that is based on IBM LOVEM. Short  
name: ProModeler.  
BOB. See best of breed.  
bottom-up. Starting the modeling or design of  
business processes from their lowest level of  
abstraction and detail and then integrating lower-level  
models or designs into a higher-level whole. See also  
business process re-engineering (BPR). A  
disciplined approach to radically changing business  
BPM. See business process management and  
business process modeler.  
CABE. Computer Aided Business Engineering.  
BPR. See business process re-engineering.  
call flow management. The automated management  
of telephone calls; especially applicable for call center  
applications, where phone calls are treated as units of  
work and are tracked and measured.  
Buildtime. In FlowMark: the component used to define  
processes. See also Runtime.  
bundle. In FlowMark: a type of block that supports  
multiple instances of a single program or process  
activity at run time. The number of instances of the  
activity is determined at run time by a special program  
activity called the planning activity. See also bundle  
activity, pattern activity, and planning activity.  
cardinality. In data modeling: an attribute of a  
relationship that describes the membership quantity.  
There are four types of cardinality:  
1. One-to-one  
2. One-to-many  
3. Many-to-many  
4. Many-to-one  
bundle activity. In FlowMark: one of the multiple  
instances of the pattern activity created for an activity  
bundle during Runtime. The number of instances is  
determined by the input to the planning activity. See  
also planning activity and pattern activity.  
CASE. Computer Aided Software Engineering.  
38 FlowMark V2.3 Design Guidelines  
change management bus. On the ALOVC, a  
continuum of repetitive and unpredictable processes for  
enabling customers to request and affect changes (for  
example, a proposal, a contract, or an order at any time  
during the relationship).  
critical measurement point. Any point on the process  
path or within a job that is of critical importance, and  
where a measurement should be taken. Measurements  
can be in units of time or quantity, for example, time to  
answer a customer inquiry, cycle time, number of  
invoices per unit of time, error rate, and so on.  
child organization. In FlowMark: an organization  
within the hierarchy of administrative units of an  
enterprise that has a parent organization. Each child  
organization can have one parent organization and  
several child organizations. The parent is one level  
above in the hierarchy. See also parent organization.  
critical path. Taking into account all the dependencies  
and processing requirements for achieving a major goal  
or target, the critical path is that sequence of events  
that takes the longest time to reach the final goal.  
critical success factor (CSF). A qualitative or  
quantitative measure that defines the quality or  
performance of an enterprise, a process path, or a job,  
such as the required skills of employees to perform a  
certain task. A measurable internal or external  
business result that has a major influence on whether or  
not an enterprise achieves its goals. CSFs can be  
assigned at the following levels:  
CICS/ESA. IBM Customer Information Control  
System/Enterprise Systems Architecture.  
common specification language. A means of  
communicating across various functions, organizational  
units, or levels of management in a precise language  
using graphical representations, such as the four types  
of LOVCs.  
Ÿ The entire industry  
Ÿ The enterprise  
Ÿ An organizational unit, such as a business area,  
department, or job  
computer data store. A business object representing  
computer files, databases, or other media that store  
Ÿ Individuals, such as managers or employees  
condition. In FlowMark: an expression that determines  
the flow of control through a process instance. See  
also start condition, exit condition, and transition  
CSD. Corrective Service Diskette (software updates for  
OS/2 programs).  
CUA. Common User Access.  
connector. An arrow drawn between two nodes in a  
process diagram to signify the flow of control or data.  
See also data flow, information flow, material flow,  
control flow, control connector, data connector, and  
default connector.  
customer. A person or business that acquires  
products or services from an enterprise.  
customer activity. In physical models or blueprints, it  
depicts the activities performed by customers. A  
customer activity can start or end a chain of activities.  
constrained. Pertaining to, or characteristic of, the  
PLOVC and JLOVC. Representative of the factors that  
define how a process path or job is performed and by  
whom (for example, time, money, organization, and  
technology are constraining factors).  
customer expectation. A description of what a  
customer needs or wants. This can be in terms of  
products, services, or the performance of an activity or  
a system.  
container. See data container.  
customer process. On logical models or blueprints, it  
depicts the actions or processes carried out by  
control connector. In FlowMark: the graphical  
representation of the flow of control from one activity or  
block to another. See also control flow, data connector,  
and default connector and transition condition.  
customer satisfaction. The goal of a  
customer-oriented business. Customer satisfaction  
occurs when a customer receives as much as, or more  
than, expected from a product or service. It is usually  
measured as the number of satisfied customers as a  
percentage of the total number of customers. Customer  
satisfaction can be graphically shown on LOVCs by an  
icon indicating whether a customer is happy or unhappy  
with the operations and results of an activity.  
control flow. In LOVEM: on PLOVCs and JLOVCs, a  
trigger that is generated by an activity. It shows the  
flow of control from one activity or task to another,  
provided the transition condition, if specified, is true.  
See also information flow and material flow.  
In process-based applications: a control flow can  
consist of a workflow, a task flow, and an event flow.  
See also workflow, task flow, and event flow.  
cycle time. The time it takes to complete a process  
path. For example, for the order fulfillment process, the  
cycle time is the time it takes to fulfill an order (from  
Glossary 39  
when a customer places an order to when the customer  
receives the product).  
default connector. In FlowMark: the graphical  
representation of a special kind of control connector,  
shown as in a process diagram. Control flows along  
this connector if no other control path is valid. See also  
connector, control connector, and transition condition.  
DASD. Direct Access Storage Device. A device in  
which access time is effectively independent of the  
location of the data.  
department. A subdivision of an enterprise that shows  
reporting lines and performs one or more activities.  
Department is part of the physical models, such as  
data bus. On an ALOVC or a LLOVC, a logical set of  
data. A logical, dynamic data store. It Starts at the  
beginning of a logical model, such as ALOVC and  
LLOVC and continues until the end of the model. It  
reflects the most current data at any point in a  
design point. The primary focus of a design; for  
example, the customer, or a workflow solution.  
designing. The creative process used to plan, sketch,  
and model the new business processes, process paths,  
and jobs in order to create a set of detailed blueprints  
from which the new design can be implemented.  
relationship with a customer. Examples of data buses:  
Ÿ Contact or customer data bus  
Ÿ Offering or products and services data bus  
Ÿ Promise or order and contract data bus  
DLL. Dynamic link library. A module containing a  
routine that is linked at load time or run time. FlowMark  
uses the *.DLL filetype under OS/2 as well as under MS  
data component. A packet of data with which a  
process deals.  
data connector. In FlowMark: the graphical  
representation of the flow of data in a process diagram.  
See also data flow, information flow, control connector,  
and default connector.  
document. A transmission medium for, or depository  
of, information, such as a report or an invoice.  
document flow. The flow of documents through an  
organizations. This can be through a document  
management system in digitized form or in hardcopy  
data container. In FlowMark: storage for the input and  
output of an activity, a block, or a process. See also  
input container and output container.  
document storage. A physical data store where  
hard-copy documents are stored. Can be part of the  
physical models or blueprints, such as PLOVC and  
JLOVC. See also data store.  
data dependency. Data that a process requires to  
proceed. An upstream data dependency is data  
required from the preceding process. A downstream  
data dependency is data required by the next process.  
downstream. Subsequent processes or activities, for  
example the distribute process is downstream from the  
order process. See also data dependency and  
data entity. See entity.  
data flow. A packet of data in motion. It can consist  
of data groups, data entities, and data elements. A  
data flow identifies the data that is either generated  
from or required by, the customer or internal processes  
to which it is connected. See also information flow.  
enterprise. An organization, usually comprised of  
several lines of business, whose purpose it is to  
perform a mission and to achieve goals by working with  
customers and suppliers.  
data store. A logical set of data or a physical place  
where you can keep information (desks, filing cabinets,  
databases, and personal computer files are examples of  
physical data stores).  
enterprise architecture. A business process  
architecture at the enterprise level as expressed  
through an ALOVC. It is at the logical, unconstrained  
level and shows the essential process and data needs  
in sequential form. See also architecture line of visibility  
chart (ALOVC).  
DB2/2. IBM Database 2 for OS/2, a relational  
database manager.  
DDE. Dynamic data exchange. An OS/2 or Microsoft  
Windows feature that enables data exchange between  
enterprise process. The actions or processes  
performed by the enterprise.  
decomposition. The process of breaking a large entity  
into smaller components. For example, a process can  
be decomposed into subprocesses, or an activity into  
40 FlowMark V2.3 Design Guidelines  
entity. A thing or object of importance to a business  
about which the business wants to keep information,  
such as customer or product.  
Ÿ Individuals, such as managers or employees  
event flow. In process-based applications, including  
FlowMark, an event flow is part of the control flow. It  
triggers the continuation of activities that are in a wait  
status. See also control flow, workflow, and task flow.  
hand-off. The passing of a product, information, or  
other materials from one department or workstation to  
hierarchical structure diagram (HSD). A graphical  
modeling technique, which shows the hierarchical  
structure of organizations, processes, activities, goals,  
CSFs, and systems. Its major use is the systematic  
refinement of objects.  
exit condition. A control setting for an activity of a  
PLOVC or JLOVC that determines when an activity is  
complete and control is passed to the next activity. It  
also determines when a process path or workflow is  
completed. See also start condition, start criteria, and  
exit criteria.  
HLLAPI. High-level language application program  
interface. HLLAPI is used by application programs for  
host communication. FlowMark makes use of the  
HLLAPI building block under OS/2 or MS Windows.  
exit criteria. The conditions that determine when an  
activity has completed its actions. See also start  
HSD. See hierarchical structure diagram.  
external organization. In a PLOVC or JLOVC, an  
organization unit, such as a government agency, a  
bank, or a supplier, that is part of a process path, but  
outside the organization of the enterprise.  
IBM LOVEM. An IBM business process engineering or  
re-engineering methodology, which can be applied at  
the following levels:  
FDL. See FlowMark Definition Language.  
Ÿ Enterprise architecture  
Ÿ Logical process path model or blueprint  
Ÿ Physical process path model or blueprint  
Ÿ Job model or blueprint  
FlowMark. An IBM program product that manages and  
controls the execution of a process path or workflow.  
Note: There are two levels of IBM LOVEM:  
FlowMark Definition Language (FDL). An external  
format for defining staff, programs, data structures, and  
workflow models in a flat file. The definitions in the FDL  
file can then be imported into a FlowMark database.  
1. Line of Visibility Engineering Methodology  
This level contains the full methodology,  
which is documented in the IBM LOVEM  
Consultant's Guide, and which is only  
available to IBM consultants.  
FRL. FlowMark Runtime Language. An external  
format for templates, instances, and work items in a flat  
file. The export utility program EXMPFREX.EXE  
located on the FlowMark database server exports the  
runtime database to an FRL file. Using the import utility  
program EXMPFRIM.EXE, an FRL file can be imported  
into a FlowMark runtime database.  
2. Line of Visibility Enterprise Modeling  
This level contains the graphics and  
applications of the methodology that are  
implemented in ProModeler. This level is  
documented in the IBM LOVEM User's  
Guide and is available to the general public.  
formalism. The strict attention to rules and symbols  
(for example, the LOVC rules and symbols).  
icon. A picture that represents the actual image of  
information flow media or means of transportation, such  
as a telephone, truck, or computer terminal.  
goal. The statement of an enterprise's objectives or  
direction. A business target that is to be met within a  
given time. Goals can be qualitative, such as to  
become the best-of-breed, or quantitative, such as to  
increase revenue by 20% over the next 12 months.  
Goals exist at the following organizational levels:  
information. Facts or objects that have meaning to  
human beings; as opposed to data, which requires  
context and interpretation in order to become  
information. Information is formatted data. Business  
objects that are produced by or moved between  
activities and systems using information flows.  
Ÿ The enterprise  
Ÿ An organizational unit, such as a business area,  
department, or job  
information flow. An ordered packet of data. Input to,  
or output from, any object on a PLOVC, or JLOVC,  
Glossary 41  
such as an order, a shipping document, or an invoice.  
Information flows can use various media, such as FAX  
machines, telephones, or electronic mail, which can be  
represented on the LOVCs by icons. See also data  
flow, material flow, and control flow.  
between your customer and internal processes or  
activities where all points of contact (service  
encounters) are shown. See also service encounter.  
line of visibility chart (LOVC). The graphical  
representation of all aspects of your business processes  
that are required to provide your customer with a  
specific product or service. It shows all points of  
contact with your customer. The LOVC is implemented  
in four different types of charts:  
information system. See system.  
input container. In FlowMark: storage for data used  
as an input for activities, processes, or blocks. See  
also output container.  
Ÿ ALOVC. See architecture line of visibility chart.  
Ÿ LLOVC. See logical line of visibility chart.  
Ÿ PLOVC. See physical line of visibility chart.  
Ÿ JLOVC. See job line of visibility chart.  
inquiry management bus. On the ALOVC, a  
continuum of repetitive and unpredictable processes for  
enabling customers to request information on anything  
about the company, its products and services, or a past  
service encounter (for example, an inquiry about a  
proposal, a contract, or an order). See also bus and  
change management bus.  
Line of Visibility Engineering Methodology  
Line of Visibility Enterprise Modeling (LOVEM). See  
internal interface. An interface between two internal  
business functions, departments, or jobs where a  
dependency exists or a transfer takes place.  
LLOVC. See logical line of visibility chart.  
load balancing. Attempting to ensure that each  
worker gets the same amount of work to perform. Can  
be automated or manual.  
issue. A matter at dispute that needs to be discussed  
and resolved.  
LOB. See line of business.  
location. A physical place where activities are  
performed or where information or materials are stored.  
JLOVC. See job line of visibility chart.  
job. The physical implementation of business  
logical. The abstract or generic nature of business  
processes or data before any physical constraints are  
applied. Logical defines what process or data is  
required, not how it is implemented. See also  
processes, as expressed through manual activities and  
interfaces with customers, systems, and internal or  
external organizations. A series of one or more  
activities in a department that are performed by one  
employee. A job is represented by the JLOVC and can  
be part of a PLOVC. Examples of a job: marketing  
representative or customer service representative.  
logical line of visibility chart (LLOVC). A logical  
modeling or blueprinting technique that shows the  
effectiveness of the process path that you are studying.  
Using this technique, you focus on what needs to be  
done, not how it is done. See also line of visibility  
job line of visibility chart (JLOVC). A physical  
modeling and blueprinting technique that shows the  
effectiveness and efficiency of one particular job. Using  
the JLOVC, you focus on how an individual job is or will  
be implemented, and who is or will be executing the  
manual activities. It also shows the relationship of each  
activity to customer activities, systems, and internal or  
external organizations. See also line of visibility chart.  
logical model or blueprint. The depiction of the  
effectiveness of a process: doing the right thing. See  
also logical, model, and blueprint.  
logical-to-physical transformation. The translation of  
a logical process into its physical implementation  
components, such as manual activities or systems  
functions. See also logical transformation list.  
LAN. Local area network.  
logical transformation list (LTL). A technique for  
transforming logical processes into physical  
implementation scenarios. For example, a logical  
process can be transformed into any number of manual  
activities, any number of systems functions, or both.  
line of business (LOB). A family of products or  
services, having common characteristics.  
line of visibility (LOV). On an LOVC, the line  
42 FlowMark V2.3 Design Guidelines  
loop. A loop is an iteration of activities on a PLOVC or  
JLOVC. There are two sets of exit criteria for a loop:  
measurement point. A designated point in a process  
path where measurements are to be taken. See also  
critical measurement point.  
1. One set contains the criteria for exiting the loop  
through the normal flow when the exit conditions  
are met.  
methodology. A collection of related techniques and  
notations based on a common philosophy to solve a  
series of major tasks. See also IBM LOVEM.  
2. The other set contains the criteria for how often the  
flow can go through the loop before terminating it if  
the first criteria are not met. This set also has to  
describe where the flow continues in case of an  
abnormal termination.  
metrics. The definition and description of a procedure  
for taking measurements. Metrics can be assigned to  
activities as actual, target, or ultimate values.  
mission. The purpose and nature of an enterprise.  
loop connector. A symbol on a PLOVC or JLOVC  
that points back to the starting point of a loop. The loop  
connector contains the short and long names of the  
activity, where the loop starts.  
model. The graphical and written representation of  
observations and predictions of how a design could or  
should be implemented. Models are usually built at  
various levels of abstraction and detail. For example, a  
business model depicts a defined business area that is  
important to the enterprise; it can be shown as different  
views of the same business area, such as:  
LOV. See line of visibility.  
LOVC. See line of visibility chart.  
Ÿ Process or process path  
Ÿ Organization  
Ÿ Performance  
LTL. See logical transformation list.  
modeling. Part of the design process used to create  
alternatives or what if scenarios before committing to  
the final design. See also model.  
manual/automation interface. The  
manual-automation line on a PLOVC or JLOVC  
between manual activities and systems. Systems  
placed on this line show user interactions with the  
systems. Systems placed below this line are batch  
systems with no direct user interaction.  
moment of truth. Your customer's perception resulting  
from any contact that your company has with that  
customer either in person or through a document,  
product, or system. See also service encounter.  
MQSeries. Message Queue Series: a communications  
layer that establishes connection between two systems.  
With MQSeries, messages can be sent and received  
through queues.  
material. A commodity that is of value for the business  
process. Materials are used or worked on by an activity  
or system and are transported between activities and  
systems. See also material flow.  
material flow. Any tangible product or document that  
is generated by an activity or system.  
In LOVEM: input to, or output from, an activity or  
system on a PLOVC or JLOVC; for example, a car, a  
mortgage document, or a consultant's report. The  
mode of transportation, such as courier, airplane, or  
truck, can also be shown on the diagram as icons. See  
also information flow, data flow, document flow, and  
control flow.  
navigation. The movement from a completed activity  
to downstream activities. The paths followed are  
determined by control parameters, their associated  
transition conditions, and by the start conditions of  
activities. See also control connector, start condition,  
exit condition, and transition condition.  
navigation evaluation. The process FlowMark uses to  
measurement. The extent, quality, or size of an  
object. For example, the measurement of the object  
box can be expressed by volume, height, weight, and  
the measurement of the object process can be  
expressed by effectiveness, cost, duration, or maturity.  
Measurements can be used for benchmarking. See  
also benchmarking.  
decide which path to take. See navigation.  
node. A point at which one or more functional units  
connect. In a process diagram, nodes are the symbols  
or objects that can be joined by connectors or flows,  
such as activities, systems, blocks, sources, and sinks.  
Glossary 43  
planning activity. In FlowMark: a special program  
activity that creates, at run time, the required number of  
bundle activities for a specific bundle. The planning  
activity must use a program that refers, in its  
registration, to the bundle-planning tool supplied with  
the FlowMark product. See also program activity,  
program registration, and bundle activity.  
opportunity area (OA). A point in a process or  
process path where possibilities, advantages, or other  
positive factors can help an enterprise meet its goals.  
organization. An administrative unit of an enterprise.  
In FlowMark: organization is one of the criteria that can  
be used to dynamically assign activities to people. See  
also role, child organization and parent organization.  
platform. The operating system environment in which  
a program runs. FlowMark is a distributed,  
cross-platform application, which can run on OS/2, AIX,  
and Windows.  
organization unit. An administrative subdivision with  
reporting lines that implement processes; for example, a  
PLOVC. See physical line of visibility chart.  
policy. A principle, plan, or course of action pursued  
by an enterprise.  
OS/2. IBM's Operating System/2 for workstations.  
output container. In FlowMark: storage for data  
produced by an activity, process, or block for use by  
other activities. It can also be used for evaluation of  
conditions. See also sink.  
problem. An obstacle to meeting a goal or fulfilling a  
CSF. A problem can also be a situation or issue that is  
uncertain, complicated, or difficult to deal with.  
problem area (PA). A point in a process or process  
path where difficulties, constraints, or other negative  
factors prevent the enterprise from meeting its goals or  
parent organization. In FlowMark: an organization  
within the hierarchy of administrative units of an  
enterprise that has one or more child organizations. A  
child is one level below its parent in the hierarchy. See  
also child organization.  
procedure. A series of steps or activities required to  
perform a process.  
process. A business function or operation that  
achieves results for customers with input from suppliers.  
A process transforms the nature, status, or composition  
of input to produce output according to business rules  
and policies. A process is a means to achieving the  
goals and strategies of an enterprise. See also  
In LOVEM-ProModeler: a process is a logical  
component on an ALOVC or LLOVC.  
In FlowMark: a process is a set of activities that must  
be completed to accomplish a given task.  
pattern activity. In FlowMark: the single program or  
process activity in a bundle from which multiple  
instances, called bundle activities, are created. See  
also bundle activity.  
PC. Personal computer or workstation.  
physical. The concrete, specific, or constrained nature  
of business processes and data. Physical defines the  
how, where, when, or by whom a process is performed  
or data is used. See also constrained.  
process activity. In FlowMark: an activity to which a  
separate process is assigned. Starting this activity  
creates an instance of the referenced process and  
starts it. See also program activity.  
physical constraints. See constrained.  
physical line of visibility chart (PLOVC). A business  
process modeling or blueprinting technique that shows  
the effectiveness and efficiency of a process path. A  
PLOVC is a sequence of physical business objects,  
such as activities and systems. See also physical and  
line of visibility chart.  
process administrator. In FlowMark: the person  
responsible for the execution of a process instance. A  
process administrator can be specified in the workflow  
model; otherwise it is the person who starts the  
physical model or blueprint. The depiction of the  
efficiency of a process: doing the thing right. The  
physical model or blueprint shows the how, where,  
when, or by whom aspects of an enterprise, such as the  
resources required to perform a process or process  
path. See also model, blueprint, and physical.  
process category. In FlowMark: an attribute that a  
process modeler specifies for a process. Only users  
who are authorized for this category can start and  
control instances of the process as top-level. See also  
top-level process.  
process cycle time. The elapsed time required to  
receive, process, and forward a transaction.  
44 FlowMark V2.3 Design Guidelines  
process diagram. A graphical representation of a  
process or process path that shows all its components.  
program activity. In FlowMark: an activity to which a  
registered program is assigned. Starting this activity  
invokes the program. See also process activity.  
process instance. In FlowMark: an executable copy  
of a process template in Runtime.  
program registration. In FlowMark: identification of a  
program to a FlowMark database, so that it can be  
assigned to a program activity in a workflow model.  
See also program activity.  
process management. In FlowMark: the Runtime  
tasks associated with process instances, such as  
creating, starting, suspending, resuming, terminating,  
restarting, and deleting process instances. See also  
business process management (BPM) and process path  
recommendation. Advice or suggestion on how to  
meet a goal, solve a problem, evaluate a CSF, or carry  
out a strategy or policy.  
process manager. A manager who has the delegated  
responsibility from a process owner to manage the  
day-to-day operations of a process or process path.  
See also process owner.  
refinement. A standard modeling technique used to  
view the parts of a whole in increasing amounts of  
detail. See also hierarchical structure diagram (HSD).  
process owner. A senior manager who is responsible  
for managing all aspects of a business process or  
process path. A process owner usually delegates the  
operational management to process managers. See  
also process manager.  
relationship. A descriptive association between two  
data entities or relationships in a data model.  
report. Formatted text and graphics, usually generated  
by a system.  
process path. A sequence of processes or activities  
and flows of data or information that produce a specific  
product or service. A process path usually starts and  
ends with a customer service encounter. See also  
service encounter.  
report layout. The design and specifications for the  
format of a printed report. See also screen layout.  
repository. An organized, shared collection of data or  
information that supports business process  
re-engineering, application development, or business or  
systems management. It is usually automated and is  
implemented as a database.  
process path management. The management of a  
business across the traditional vertical processes or  
organizations; for example, in a traditional order  
fulfillment company, the vertical processes are sell,  
order, supply, distribute, settle.  
REXX. Restructured extended executor language. A  
procedures language.  
process quality management bus. On the ALOVC, a  
continuum across the enterprise process path to  
capture any process quality parameters, such as CMPs,  
CSFs, goals, strategies, or policies in relation to  
customer service encounters. See also bus.  
RISC. Reduced instruction set computer (runs AIX).  
role. In FlowMark: a responsibility that is defined for  
staff members. Role is one of the criteria that can be  
used to dynamically assign activities to people. See  
also organization.  
process status. In FlowMark: the status of a process  
instance. The status can be one of the following:  
Ÿ Ready  
root cause analysis. The analytical determination of  
Ÿ Pending  
Ÿ Running  
Ÿ Suspended  
Ÿ Terminated  
Ÿ Finished  
the cause of the symptom of a problem.  
Runtime. In FlowMark: the component used to  
execute process instances. The Runtime component  
consists of:  
Ÿ Runtime server  
Ÿ Program execution client  
Ÿ Bundle server  
process template. In FlowMark: the translated form of  
a workflow model in Runtime.  
Ÿ Notification service  
Ÿ Delivery server  
Ÿ Runtime client  
program. In FlowMark: a computer-based application  
that supports the work to be done in an activity.  
Program activities reference executable programs using  
the logical names associated with the programs in  
FlowMark program registrations. See also program  
See also Buildtime and Runtime client.  
Glossary 45  
Runtime client. In FlowMark: the user interface for  
working with process templates, process instances,  
work lists, and work items. See also Runtime.  
subject expert. A specialist in a particular area of  
expertise, such as workflow management.  
subprocess. A lower level process. Processes can  
be refined into subprocesses through the HSD modeling  
techniques. See also hierarchical structure diagram  
(HSD) and process.  
In FlowMark: a process instance that is started by a  
process activity.  
screen layout. The design and specifications of the  
image that the user sees on the screen of a system.  
See also report layout.  
substitute. In FlowMark: the person to whom an  
activity is automatically transferred if the person to  
whom the activity is assigned is flagged as absent.  
service encounter. Any point of contact with your  
customer. See also moment of truth.  
shredder. A machine for the destruction of documents.  
symbol. A graphical representation of an object or  
thing, which may be abstract in nature; for example, a  
line with an arrow is the symbol for a data or  
information flow.  
simulation. A mock-up version or prototype of the new  
process and job design used to test assumptions before  
final implementation.  
system. A set of processes with a common aim that  
act on data or information using input and producing  
output. Usually used in the context of information  
system or data processing system.  
sink. In FlowMark: the symbol that represents the  
output container of an activity, process, or block. See  
also output container and source.  
skill. An ability, proficiency, expertness of a person  
that comes from training, practice, and experience.  
system development. The design, code, test,  
implementation, and maintenance of an information  
system. Can also denote a business function that  
performs systems development.  
source. In FlowMark: the symbol that represents the  
input container of an activity, process, or block. See  
also input container and sink.  
system function. A component or module of a  
system. A system can be refined into system functions  
using the HSD modeling technique. See also  
hierarchical structure diagram (HSD) and system.  
staff. In FlowMark: the people (and their roles,  
organizations, and levels) who execute the process  
instances. Staff is defined in a FlowMark database.  
See also role and organization.  
staff resolution. The process FlowMark uses to  
decide which worklists to add a process to.  
task. The lowest level of activity or unit of work.  
Tasks belong to the physical business models. There is  
no implied sequence or order in performing tasks within  
an activity. Activities can be refined into tasks using the  
HSD modeling technique. See also hierarchical  
structure diagram (HSD) and activity.  
start activity. In FlowMark: an activity that has no  
incoming control connector. A start activity becomes  
ready when the process or block that contains it starts.  
There can be more than one start activity in a process  
or block.  
task flow. In process-based applications, a task flow is  
part of a control flow. See also control flow, workflow,  
event flow, and document flow.  
start condition. A control setting that determines  
when an activity with incoming control connectors can  
start. It also determines when a process path or  
workflow can start. See also condition, exit condition,  
and transition condition.  
TCP/IP. Transmission control protocol/Internet  
protocol. A commonly used protocol for various  
network environments, such as Internet, Host  
communications, and LANs. FlowMark uses either  
TCP/IP or APPC. See also APPC.  
start criteria. A control setting for activities on  
PLOVCs or JLOVCs that determines when an activity or  
a process path can start. See also exit criteria.  
technique. A procedure for doing anything in an  
orderly way; a method.  
strategy. A pattern of goals, policies, and plans that  
specify how an enterprise is to function over a given  
period of time. A strategy can specify areas for product  
development and marketing as well as techniques for  
responding to competition.  
time line. A notation on the PLOVC and the JLOVC  
that shows the time between individual activities as well  
as for the entire process path or job; for example, the  
46 FlowMark V2.3 Design Guidelines  
order cycle time. The time line shows both actual (As  
Is) and target (To Be) times.  
VHLPI. VisualInfo high-level programming interface.  
The service broker for VisualInfo. It can be used to  
integrate FlowMark with VisualInfo for document  
To Be. The desired state of a process or process path:  
how it could be or should be. See also As Is.  
To Be view. A chart or diagram showing the desired  
state of a process or process path. See also As Is  
VisualBasic. A programming language under MS  
top-down. Modeling or designing business processes  
from their most abstract level down to their most  
concrete and constrained levels of detail. See also  
VisualInfo. An IBM product for document  
V2R1. Version 2 Release 1.  
V2R2. Version 2 Release 2.  
V2R3. Version 2 Release 3.  
top-level process. In FlowMark: a process that is  
started from a user's process list or from an application  
transition condition. In FlowMark: a logical  
expression associated with a control connector. If  
specified, it must be true for control to flow along the  
associated control connector. See also control  
connector, default connector, condition, start condition,  
and exit condition.  
WISDDM. World-wide integrated solution design and  
delivery methodology. WISDDM is a set of I/T  
methodologies, such as:  
Ÿ The application development methodology, which is  
based on:  
trigger. An event or condition that starts or ends an  
activity, process, or process path. See also start  
condition and exit condition.  
– Solution/2000  
– End-to-End  
– Full Life-Cycle Testing  
– Redevelopment  
– Package Selection  
unconstrained. Pertaining to, or characteristic of, the  
ALOVC and LLOVC techniques, or representative of the  
factors that define what a process is doing not how it is  
being done. See also logical.  
Ÿ The project management methodology, which is  
based on:  
– managing implementation of the total project  
– project management for project executives  
– other IBM project management approaches  
unit of measure. A standard dimension, extent, or  
quantity, such as days, hours, or minutes; dollars or  
cents; or meters or centimeters. A unit of measure is  
used for measurement purposes.  
workflow. A sequence of activities (units of work). A  
movement of units of work through a process. In  
process-based applications, it can be part of a control  
flow. See also control flow, task flow, and event flow.  
upstream. Preceding processes or activities; for  
example, the order process is upstream from the  
distribute process. See also downstream.  
workflow management. The art of controlling or  
administering a sequence of activities.  
workflow model. In FlowMark: a complete  
representation of a process. It consists of the process  
diagram and settings and the definition of staff,  
programs, and data structures that are associated with  
the activities of a process.  
work list. In FlowMark: a list of work items assigned to  
a staff member.  
Glossary 47  
48 FlowMark V2.3 Design Guidelines  
activity 1, 3, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 19  
automatic 12  
data container 2, 14, 19  
input 19  
block 1, 15  
output 19  
data elements 19  
notebook 13  
staff pages 13  
volumes 11  
data flow  
data structure 2, 6  
Data Structure Definition facility  
activity block  
activity, automatically started  
database 3, 7, 10, 12, 13, 14, 17, 19  
activity, unattended  
additional hardware  
AIX 5, 6  
database space 10  
definition facility, FlowMark  
delete finished items  
deleting 10  
design 5, 11  
application 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 17, 19  
audit trail 3, 9  
automate 11  
disk I/O  
automatic 9, 12  
automatically started  
end-user training 21  
exception 7, 8, 12  
example of  
bibliography 31  
Boolean expression  
Buildtime 1, 2, 6  
exceptions 3, 7, 11, 17  
exit condition 8, 15, 17  
ExmcStartProcess API  
business process  
business processes  
business requirements  
ExmDeleteProcess API 10  
ExmTerminateProcess API  
business rules  
filtering 19, 21  
find 19  
flow 1, 3  
capacity 3, 5, 7, 10, 11, 14, 17, 19  
cleanup interval 10  
client 11  
client response time 21  
client workstation, no change  
new functions  
communications protocol  
conflicts 13  
FlowMark API 7, 9, 14  
FlowMark definition facility  
frequently asked questions  
construct 15  
control flow  
glossary 37  
cost 5, 15  
customer 3, 7, 12, 19  
design 12  
hardware cost  
hardware, additional  
Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 1998  
headquarters 5, 6  
process (continued)  
design 1, 2, 3, 6, 11, 12, 13, 21  
example 8, 12, 14  
example of 5, 7  
impact 3, 6, 11, 14, 19, 22  
include 19, 21  
input container  
instance 1, 9, 19  
invoking 17  
knowledge workers 11  
parent 17  
load balancing 13  
size of  
template 5, 7, 9, 12, 14  
Process Definition facility  
process flow  
memory (swapping)  
process list 21  
process model  
navigation 1, 19  
navigation evaluation 11  
network 13, 21  
process-relevant data 19  
processor utilization  
program 1, 12  
design 12  
network address  
notebook, personal data settings  
notification servicer 10  
assignment of  
off-load 10  
organization 13  
response time 1, 6, 19  
response time, client 21  
overhead 11, 14, 15, 19  
response, runtime client 19  
reusability 17  
role 13  
pass data  
peak times 19  
performance 3, 5, 7, 10, 11, 12, 14, 17, 19  
performance capacity 15  
runtime client response 19  
personal data notebook 22  
personal data settings notebook  
pointers 19  
server 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 17, 19, 21  
process 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17,  
19, 21  
client workstation, no change  
dedicated machine  
dividing the work  
independence of  
mix of users  
50 FlowMark V2.3 Design Guidelines  
server (continued)  
multiple (continued)  
no communication  
step up  
Server Definition facility  
shutdown 21  
signoff 21  
signon 21  
skill level 13  
staff 1, 5, 13  
allocation of  
staff definitions 17  
staff resolution 6, 7, 11  
structure 19  
subprocess 2, 5, 6, 15, 17  
activity notebook 17  
on another FlowMark server 17  
thinking 11  
trade-offs 17  
training, end-user 21  
volumes, workload  
work list 1, 8, 10, 11, 13, 19, 21, 22  
large 22  
roll 13  
shared 22  
work lists 13, 21  
workflow 1, 4  
workload volumes  
Index 51  
52 FlowMark V2.3 Design Guidelines  
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Image and Workflow Library: FlowMark V2.3 Design Guidelines  
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Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 1998  
Image and Workflow Library: FlowMark V2.3 Design Guidelines  

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